Tuesday evenings Rodney 07881 625985. Thursday afternoons Bob Povey 07747 514878 Other times by arrangement with the Hall Committee.
The Short Mat Bowling Club
The Short Mat Bowling Club enjoy all year round bowling and meet on a Monday afternoon. The club always welcomes new members of all ages and ability. We have spare bowls for you to use, so if you have never tried Short Mat Bowling before, come along and have a go.
If you are interested in joining or you would like more information please contact Trevor on 01600 891306.
100 Club
The Whitchurch and Ganarew Memorial Hall 100 Club supports the Hall by raising money for the Refurbishment Fund. Membership of the 100 Club is by purchase of one or more numbered shares. A share costs £12 per year and every four months a draw of all paid-up shares is held. At the draw, half of the money raised by the shares in the previous four months is transferred to the Refurbishment Fund and the other half is given as prizes to the holders of three shares drawn at random. Since it was started in 2011, the 100 Club has raised almost £3000 for the Refurbishment Fund. Application forms are available in the Hall or by email from Trevor at
Every Tuesday evening – Please telephone Shelley for details: 01600 890451
Dog Training
Wednesday and Thursday afternoons.
Contact Eileen, Paws and Claws: 01989 762998
Adult Ballet (55 Years +)
Silver Swans – Wednesdays 10.30am to 11.30am
Contact Nina: 07974 117701
Children’s Ballet
Monday afternoons 4.40pm, term time only
Contact Nina: 07974 117701
Art Group
Tuesday mornings 10am – 12 noon
Contact Ann: 01594 564387
Anyone for Table Tennis?!
A table tennis group meets Wednesday evening. Contact Helen on: 01600 716321